The 3rd Qingdao Chengyang Construction Machinery Association Annual Meeting Raved Successfully
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- Dec 19,2019
The 3rd Construction Machinery Association Annual Meeting Raved Successfully

The 3rd Qingdao Chengyang Construction Machinery Association Annual Meeting Raved Successfully
New & Obsolete Kinetic Energy Exchange, Innovation Drive Higher Grade Quality Developing!

Along with the China established 70 years happiness, the 3rd Construction Machinery Association Annual Meeting raved Successfully based on the background of < Made in China 2025 > program.

The meeting move around the topics of new standard of gas transmission standard of the nation in the sixth grade to how to improve the concrete boom pump truck manufacturing to match and follow up national standard and steps, to improve and upgrade from manufacturing, quality control, raw materials, technology etc..and faithfully try to do some thing for national pumping industry .